AHA Vendor Set-up
General vendor information for the AHA is listed below. If your organization needs additional information, please send your organization’s requirements, along with any forms to be completed, to Contract.Mgt@Heart.org.
Company Name
American Heart Association, Inc.
Street Address (do not remit payment to this address)
7272 Greenville Avenue
City: Dallas
State: Texas
Zip Code: 75231
Invoice Payment Remit Information:
Remit by Check |
Remit by ACH |
American Heart Association, Inc. |
American Heart Association, Inc. |
Federal Tax Identification #
Length of Years in Business
Incorporated in 1924
D&B (Dun & Bradstreet D-U-N-S® number)
EIN (Employer Identification Number)
Federal Tax Classification
501 (c) (3) Exempt Org
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